Growth, Uncategorized

Living life with joyful effort

Hello from Figi! I am on a remote island at a diving resort called beqa lagoon resort. We are with wonderful friends enjoying the figian lifestyle. On our first night here a severe tropical storm wiped out all internet service. Today is my first opportunity to share my life philosophy with you. I hope you enjoy it.

My philosophy of life is simple. Very simple. That being said, it took me ‘my life time’ (and many years of valuable therapy) to get to this peaceful and actualized place of simply being. And here it is:
Whatever you decide to do or be, do it with joyful effort, and know that you do it in degrees of good, better, and best. Practice makes perfect. The message here is to love yourself and love your life, no matter where you are on your life’s journey. The end.
Now the reality … do I practice my philosophy 100% of the time? No – AND 100% is what I aspire to. I have deleted the word ‘BUT’ from my world … yes, a complete ‘but-ectomy’ is what I recommend. It has done wonders for my sense of self-responsibility and it also allows others the sense of being heard and validated when communicating on sensitive subjects. Always replace the ‘but’ with ‘and’ and it will amaze you!
Now … when it comes to bestowing love upon your children … let’s proceed to a magical exercise with alchemic attainment. When it’s difficult to conjure up feelings of love for yourself, spend some quiet moments with your child (because you absolutely know how much you love her/him).
Breathe deeply into the quietness of your heart and start to feel the love you have for your child. If you can, spend a few minutes in that sacred space … but if not, know that seconds of profound love ‘felt’ transcends time and space, and is very powerful. You’ll know you’ve reached that sacred space when your emotions provoke an involuntary smile and a sense of peace flows within you.
Then whisper, sing, FEEL … send your love into the heart of your child. Likened to a shining golden cord that is connected from your heart to theirs. It is an energetic connection that is eternal and holy. It can only know love as it flows back and forth between you because it comes from the divine. The cord can never be broken and it is one of the most beautiful gifts bestowed upon us, to use as we wish.
Once your love is sent to your child’s longing heart, your love will be reflected back to you. Take that sacred love and feel it, and know it to be your essence of being as well.
Rest in your discovery that your spirit, your heart … is good and beautiful and worthy of love and belonging. Feel this and your child will feel it as well. Blessings abound.

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  • Leigh Grestoni

    Thank you, Brittany for your comments. They inspire me! I’m so happy that my writing resonates with you! Let me know if there’s any particular subject or idea you’d like me to comment on. I look forward to future conversations with you!

  • Brittany Dupont

    I love reading your blog! My mom told me about it a few months back when I was going through a tough time. Reading your stories left me feeling inspired and hopeful. I feel like I am on a similar journey in my life; seeking peace, joy and love (for both myself and others) and practicing gratitude and mindfulness. I feel like I am going through a transformative period of self-growth that’s only just begun. I am excited to continue on this journey and to continuously seek the fullest expression of myself. With that being said, I just wanted to say your writing truly resonates with me. When I read your stories there’s a deep part inside me that swells with joy and knowing. It feels like everything you write is so genuine and that it conveys messages from deep within your beautiful soul! Thank you so much for sharing your stories. You are inspirational. xoxo

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