
Reflections on my Breast Cancer Walk – #1


Reflections on my training walk (without my training partner)

I decided to take my first training walk on the Campbell –Los Gatos trail. Spring time in nature literally breathes life into you … and that is a source of divine healing. I quietly asked myself why this breast cancer walk was so important to me. The answers came without hesitation.

I lost my mother to cancer when I was 29 years old … she was 63 years young. I am 61 years old now … my daughter and training partner is 29 years young. I loved my mother dearly … and I still think of her often. When she invites herself into my heart ~ she is happy, healthy, and full of life. I miss her. I wish she could have met my daughter and had some time to love her in this dimension.

As I walk, I realize how blessed I am to have this opportunity to share with my daughter, Madison. I have been graced with good health, the proximity of physical closeness, and the connection of deep and abiding love between a mother and her child.

I am so grateful for this time with my Maddie, and the commitment we have made to such a great cause. And for my sister who is a breast cancer survivor … and lives to love her children and grandchildren.

One final thought while on my walk … when we send our love out into the world ~ it comes back to us in ways we cannot imagine, but have always dreamed of. I remember only LOVE as I walk.

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