
Every Magical Moment

Every magical moment

Yesterday, I experienced that every moment is unique and miraculously beautiful. I went outside to take a look at our first fruit blossom on our pear tree. All I wanted was to appreciate the physical beauty, and as I leaned in closer to it, the blossom seemed to greet and engage me. There was so much more than physical beauty … it had movement that seemed to synchronize with mine, and an intelligence that drew me in to a joyful silent conversation. We were both happy to acknowledge one another.

Then I looked up at our queen palm tree that provided protective coverage for our miniature fruit orchard. As I focused more intently, I saw that the palm fronds were sparkling at their tips and gently exuding a flow of energy that seemed to be reaching for the fruit trees … and the fruit trees were stretching up towards the palm … and both energies were dissolving into each other in a sheer sharing of connection.

I then looked at the trunk of the palm, seemingly so hard and dense, but it was moving with it’s own graceful breath … in and out and in circular motion, almost as if it were dancing to it’s own song.

When I changed my focus to the earth and grass, I saw it start to undulate and move in waves underneath me. It was so incredibly melodious and gentle.

Then I decided to focus on the sky ~ the sun was out, the sky was blue and there were wisps of white clouds floating by. As I softened my focus, I noticed colorful patterns starting to appear before me… very much like a kaleidoscope exploding with all shades of purples and blues. It was constantly moving and changing, each moment bringing a most beautiful experience, each unique and just as spectacular as the last moment. Then the beauty started to float down towards me and I noticed small glowing rainbow sparks drifting down upon me, through and around me. I wanted to share myself with it all.

I went to hug our huge ancient oak tree. I silently asked to see her heart. As I closed my eyes, an intense red color enveloped my sight. As I breathed in and out, the tree trunk moved with me and we swayed together in waves of love.

All the rough edges of all the trees and bushes softened … all knew of the other … all extended themselves to the other … and the energy gently swirled and danced and rejoiced. There was no randomness about any of it … only beautiful and infinite connection.

As the sun started to set, I felt the sky become a blanket and started lovingly put the earth to rest for one more day. It’s movement and breath began to peacefully slow. And all of mother earth was grateful, including me. I have new eyes with which to see every magical moment.

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