
Reflections on my training walk – #2

Why Can’t Every Day Be Beautiful?Pinkflower1

These last few days of training outside have been cloudy, cold and frankly dismal. I miss the sun. Why can’t every day be beautiful? Well, Mother Nature teaches us that beauty returns … not on our terms but by the grace of something much bigger that connects us all.

With that thought, I decided to focus and look for something beautiful. I saw this pretty pink flower, and then I saw another, and another. My entire mood shifted to one of adventure … what else would I find if I stayed open and focused? I discovered more color, birds singing, and best of all … a feeling of gratitude. My entire perception shifted.

I have faith that the universe shows us what we focus on. Our thoughts become things. Our emotions inspire like-emotions. And together with our actions we create our reality.

So let’s focus and have faith that we can find a cure for this fucking cancer! If we all do just a little, we can live a reality where cancer no longer creates suffering. Let’s learn from Nature that beauty always returns in one form or another. It’s all in our minds, our hearts and our actions.

Please consider making a donation today. Maddie and I will walk in honor of all of us. You can go to my personal Avon page and it will direct you. Thanks!

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Reflections on my Breast Cancer Walk – #1


Reflections on my training walk (without my training partner)

I decided to take my first training walk on the Campbell –Los Gatos trail. Spring time in nature literally breathes life into you … and that is a source of divine healing. I quietly asked myself why this breast cancer walk was so important to me. The answers came without hesitation.

I lost my mother to cancer when I was 29 years old … she was 63 years young. I am 61 years old now … my daughter and training partner is 29 years young. I loved my mother dearly … and I still think of her often. When she invites herself into my heart ~ she is happy, healthy, and full of life. I miss her. I wish she could have met my daughter and had some time to love her in this dimension.

As I walk, I realize how blessed I am to have this opportunity to share with my daughter, Madison. I have been graced with good health, the proximity of physical closeness, and the connection of deep and abiding love between a mother and her child.

I am so grateful for this time with my Maddie, and the commitment we have made to such a great cause. And for my sister who is a breast cancer survivor … and lives to love her children and grandchildren.

One final thought while on my walk … when we send our love out into the world ~ it comes back to us in ways we cannot imagine, but have always dreamed of. I remember only LOVE as I walk.

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rumi pic

The Power of Love and Hate

Love and hate are always our personal choice. They both carry power.
When one chooses hate … They blame and give their power away to others.
When one chooses love … They claim their personal power.
When you choose to hate another, the tendency will be that your object of hate will turn around and hate another…and so on.
When you choose to love another, the tendency will be that your object of love will turn around and love another…and so on.
I will choose love always … Not only for myself, but for others and the world … It’s our only hope for a place of peace and joy. Because we all want to be loved and lovable …. Love will always be the answer … No matter what the questionrumi pic

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Every Magical Moment

Every magical moment

Yesterday, I experienced that every moment is unique and miraculously beautiful. I went outside to take a look at our first fruit blossom on our pear tree. All I wanted was to appreciate the physical beauty, and as I leaned in closer to it, the blossom seemed to greet and engage me. There was so much more than physical beauty … it had movement that seemed to synchronize with mine, and an intelligence that drew me in to a joyful silent conversation. We were both happy to acknowledge one another.

Then I looked up at our queen palm tree that provided protective coverage for our miniature fruit orchard. As I focused more intently, I saw that the palm fronds were sparkling at their tips and gently exuding a flow of energy that seemed to be reaching for the fruit trees … and the fruit trees were stretching up towards the palm … and both energies were dissolving into each other in a sheer sharing of connection.

I then looked at the trunk of the palm, seemingly so hard and dense, but it was moving with it’s own graceful breath … in and out and in circular motion, almost as if it were dancing to it’s own song.

When I changed my focus to the earth and grass, I saw it start to undulate and move in waves underneath me. It was so incredibly melodious and gentle.

Then I decided to focus on the sky ~ the sun was out, the sky was blue and there were wisps of white clouds floating by. As I softened my focus, I noticed colorful patterns starting to appear before me… very much like a kaleidoscope exploding with all shades of purples and blues. It was constantly moving and changing, each moment bringing a most beautiful experience, each unique and just as spectacular as the last moment. Then the beauty started to float down towards me and I noticed small glowing rainbow sparks drifting down upon me, through and around me. I wanted to share myself with it all.

I went to hug our huge ancient oak tree. I silently asked to see her heart. As I closed my eyes, an intense red color enveloped my sight. As I breathed in and out, the tree trunk moved with me and we swayed together in waves of love.

All the rough edges of all the trees and bushes softened … all knew of the other … all extended themselves to the other … and the energy gently swirled and danced and rejoiced. There was no randomness about any of it … only beautiful and infinite connection.

As the sun started to set, I felt the sky become a blanket and started lovingly put the earth to rest for one more day. It’s movement and breath began to peacefully slow. And all of mother earth was grateful, including me. I have new eyes with which to see every magical moment.

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Star You Are

Last night I was sitting alone underneath a starless sky. A poem started to flow and I didn’t question why. I wrote it down to share with you and thanked the night for something new. When looking up the clouds did part, a star appeared and touched my heart.                                                                 










                                                        The Star You Are

In and out 

And round about ~

Up and down

And inside out ~

All we have and all we feel,

Makes us all and makes us real.


What we know

And what we don’t ~

What we do

And what we won’t ~

Makes us see that what we want,

Is all for not … it’s what we’ve got.


It’s how you love ~

And how you serve.

It’s how you give ~

And how you live.


It’s heart and soul

That helps you see ~

That all that is …

is what will be.


So hold on not

To what you have ~

So let things go

And let life pass.


For what you seek ~

That magic star …

Lies deep within

The star you are.

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Cleaning out my gutters

Cleaning out my gutters

My husband and I spent a few hours cleaning out our gutters in anticipation of a huge storm predicted. We live on a property with 13 grand oak trees … we’ve learned to love to hate them. At any time of the year they make their presence known in irritating ways. In the fall and winter they drop thousands of acorns… hence our land being a squirrel sanctuary. I am not exaggerating when I say ‘thousands’ of acorns. In the spring they grow and drop a yellow pollenous fiber. It drifts through the air to grace everything in it’s path. In the summer the tree drops dark-colored sap … the tree guy says that’s the mark of a healthy tree. For me, I’m constantly worried about checking the patio chairs so my girlfriends in white pants don’t sit down on a surprise.

When starting to scoop out the sludge in the gutters, it was composed of newly fallen oak leaves, old wet and funky smelling leaves, twigs, mud and other things that smelled and probably went ‘boo’ in the night when they were alive. I made sure I wore gloves that went up to my elbows.

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Growth, Healing

My Christmas Wish

My Christmas Wish of Love and Hope

This is a picture of our children, taken last year on Christmas Eve. It was one of my favorite gifts because, first of all ~ I love our kids, and second of all ~ it was a gift of love. We are such a remarkably blended family. Madison, Jared and Jessica have had 13 years together to figure out how they wanted to be a family. I am so happy that they chose to be respectful, accepting and loving towards one another … the evolution was pretty much in that order. Christopher and Ali are new members of our family … husbands to our two beautiful daughters. They are young men that we also respect, accept, and have grown to love. We are so happy to think of them as our ‘sons’.

I once thought that the word ‘love’ was way overused. I thought it would be an embarrassment to keep referring to such a concept of love, no matter what the source. Yet, as I’ve grown older and, hopefully wiser, I now believe that no matter what the question …. love is always the answer. I keep repeating this in my writings because it just feels so right to me. So, on this Christmas Eve, here is my wish for you … as it is the same wish for my family~

Let love be your shelter this day and all your days. Love of self, family, friends, community, and the world. Let the love of Source embrace you and allow yourself to feel that peace. Let that feeling linger. Let love be your greatest healer. Accept the universal love that is available to you at all times … breathe it in. And send love back to the universe so that others may receive your blessings. Know that you are that powerful.

Let hope be your companion when feeling despair, loss or loneliness. Feel hope when you sense love is elusive and distant. Hope bears the promise of love and miracles revealed. Hope lives in your dreams of healing once again into wholeness. Hope fuels your faith that life is worth living and giving to.

I hope your life flourishes with love and hope in this moment and every moment of your beautiful existence.

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Reflection on Forgiveness

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”

                                                                                                                           … Martin L. King

Forgiveness reflection

When I was younger I sucked at forgiveness. I didn’t understand how powerful the act of forgiving was and how it was intricately related to my chronic victimhood mentality. Victimhood is such a sad and useless state of being. Blaming others, myself, and my God kept me stuck in a state of inertia, unable to make any positive changes because I kept giving my power away.

‘If only that other person would change, my life would be so much better.’ ‘If only I could change, my life would be so much better.’ ‘If only God would change this situation, my life would be so much better.’ I spent my teens and twenties in a cess pool of blame, and praying for change. But that didn’t do any good because I was praying for the wrong thing.

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Healing, Stories, Uncategorized

My Depression Confession – Part Two

“Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced … it is that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope. That very deadened feeling, which is so very different from feeling sad. Sad hurts but it’s a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different”.

J.K. Rowling


It wasn’t until after Madison was born, my marriage was dissolving and I was questioning what kind of Mother I was when I started to figure it out. I began talking to Source again and asking for guidance. I hadn’t asked for spiritual help since my childhood. I also started counseling because I was driven to become the best mother I could be. I was desperate to be for Madison what my mother never was to me … a source of unconditional love and kindness.

One day, in one of my first sessions with my Counselor, I shared with her my life story. Feelings were still uncomfortable for me, but I excelled at being able to live from my mind and answer all of her questions in a rational and logical way. Being an emotional empath, she saw through my mental bullshit, knew my emotions, and told me that I was clinically depressed. And probably had been for years. WHAT?! ME, DEPRESSED? Believe it or not, I thought that couldn’t be possible given the fact that I was successful in my full-time career and raising my toddler as a single mother. Depressed people don’t function normally…

Obviously, I knew very little about what clinical depression was and how it appeared in people’s lives. And then she calmly stated that I would benefit from anti-depressant medication WHAT?! ME? I considered myself a strong person and I had those stereotypical beliefs about medications for mental disorders. I could certainly learn to heal on my own, without meds, thank you very much! She agreed with my ‘logic’, adding that I could probably heal myself with intensive counseling, and time … lots of time. But I knew I didn’t have that time. What I had was a precious life entrusted to my keeping and I needed to heal now.

I also had another sense of urgency attached to this decision that I’d like to share. At the same point in time, one of my sisters was in the hospital in liver and kidney failure. It was due to alcohol that she was consuming in private and I never even knew about it. Her Doctor had run some tests after she complained of flu-like symptoms, and he called me to tell me to get her to the hospital asap. We didn’t know if she was going to live or die. My other sister was in treatment for breast cancer. When she came to the hospital to show her support, a nurse gave her a plastic basin while she was throwing up her brokenness from the chemo treatment … while sitting in a chair next to my sister’s bed. My final and other sister was living with her family in another state suffering from active alcohol abuse. I remember being in the hospital room, walking over to the window and thinking to myself, “Leigh ~ if you don’t get some help, you’re going to end up just like them”. I loved them but did not want to live their lives.

So, I agreed with my Counselor to try an anti-depressant medication. I tried two before I decided on a third one. There are a myriad of anti-depressant meds on the market, affecting the body in different ways. The goal is to find the one that works for you. The first two meds left me feeling lethargic and zombie-like … not a good combination for raising a toddler and working full-time. But the third one, Wellbutrin, was a gift to me. It was simply an amazing feeling. For the first two weeks on the medication, I felt a burst of energy and it almost scared me. I had become so comfortable with ‘fatigue’ for the past 15 years. I remember calling a friend, an excellent Physician Assistant, and asking him if it was okay to take this drug since it made me feel almost ‘high’. He laughed and said, ‘Leigh ~ that’s just telling me that it’s working and that you need it”!

I must say that my depression has been a beautifully tortuous journey. Without this experience, I possibly could have lived an extremely sad life and passed that legacy on to my daughter. It’s led me from the brink of a demented reality to a choice to heal into wholeness. I now embrace all my emotions, for I now know that I am the one who labels them ‘good’ or ‘bad’. I am the one who reflects upon the gifts they bestow and all the inherent lessons I learn. I am the one who is grateful for feeling them all. And most of all, I am the one who loves my daughter with unconditional kindness.

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Healing, Stories, Uncategorized

My Depression Confession – Part One



Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced … it is that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope. That very deadened feeling, which is so very different from feeling sad. Sad hurts but it’s a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different”.

…J.K. Rowling


I wasn’t born depressed. For me, depression was a gradual descent that took years to mature, until one day life suddenly went dark. I was born full of light and love. I was a joyful and curious child, full of active energy and constantly in motion. I may have been petite, but I certainly packed a punch! I was curious about the world asking endless questions, experimenting fearlessly, and spending many hours laying outside in stillness and repose wondering about the vastness of the universe.

I loved myself. I really truly loved myself. And in the beginning I fought for the validity of my emotions and the conviction of my thoughts.

I suppose my parents had other ideas for who I should be. They found my energy draining and told me that I needed to learn how to be quiet. They told me that I was a selfish and conceited girl for loving myself. They told me that ‘I was a bad girl’, and impressed upon me that my thoughts and feelings were not that special. Oh … and that I wasn’t that smart … my older sisters had the higher I.Q.’s … they said. There were better girls than me out there and that I should be more like them … they said.

I remember seeking refuge and love by being with my dogs. I hugged them tightly, cried mercilessly to them, and had them hold my heart as it slowly started to break. I also remember that I spent a great deal of time outdoors in nature. I found solace in the stillness and loving balance of the earth, and would talk to and ask questions of Source, and that would comfort me.

I discovered that being alone was less painful than trying to make my family love me. The majority of the time, I just never felt their unconditional acceptance of me. Then my self-doubt started to seep in and enticed me to start believing that maybe they were right about me.

Over the years, and at about middle-school age, I developed such low self-worth that I felt no one else would be able to love me since I had so little to offer. Inside my soul, I felt completely worthless every day. I had little joy or sense of adventure. I knew I wasn’t fun anymore. In order to cope and appear ‘normal’, I learned to live vicariously through my friend’s gaiety. Yet, the pretense required copious amounts of energy on my part. My emotions, any emotions, were becoming more and more elusive.

I discovered that the most comfortable panacea for my unbearable sadness was sleep. I would enter into an emptiness where I could estrange myself from humanity and be surrounded by a sense of peace. I slept a lot! I would claim fatigue to get out of social engagements. I would go to sleep when I was bored. I would sleep when it was raining. I would sleep after an argument with anyone. It was easy to sleep away my life. I conditioned my body so well, that I still struggle with fatigue and the desire for sleep. But the difference today is that I make sure I sleep to dream and not to escape my life.

So, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ thought she had found a tolerable answer to her sadness by slipping into a peaceful place of emptiness. She/I couldn’t have been more wrong. The emptiness was like immersing myself in a sea of blackness. While it was washing me clean of all my sadness, it was also sucking all my emotions into its abyss. My soul sunk slowly into the nothingness. It was a silent, deep and dangerous fall. And one day I woke up and felt a complete absence of feeling, absence of interest and absence of response.

I unknowingly was in the throes of depression and went on living my life. At this point I just accepted the fact that I was different from everyone else. I imagined all people being this beautiful earth, while I was a small grey planet orbiting around the earth in the darkness. Very separate and not a part of the whole.

I went on living like this for years. And then I met and married Madison’s Dad. He was truly the first person who ever showed me unconditional love. He gave me a sense of hope that I could be a woman worthy of feeling deep love and joy. What I didn’t understand at that time was that I needed to learn to love myself again before my true healing would occur.




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